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Lifecycle: experimental

The quantec library is a basic wrapper around the EasyData data portal API from Quantec maintained by the Bureau for Economic Research.

This is the homepage for the {quantec} R package

NOTE: The API is currently in BETA testing.

💡 Please be a good digital citizen when interacting with an API - restrict parallel implementation and institute sleeps between calling data.


This package is no way endorsed by Quantec and was developed at the Bureau for Economic Research in order to streamline research process.

About Qauntec

From the Quantec Website

Quantec is a consultancy providing economic and financial data, country intelligence and quantitative analytical software.

Please reach out to Quantec via their Contact Page to receive an API key.


Install from GitHub.




Check version.


Set API Key

To access the API you’ll need to first specify an API in your .Renviron key as provided to you by Quantec. (usethis::edit_r_environ())

  • .Renviron

After setting the API key in .Renviron, remember to restart R: ctrl + shift + F10.

  • In R

The API interface

The package currently provides an interface to the Quantec data API. The function quantec_get_data has the following options:

  • time_series_code time series code to return, NMS-EC_BUS,NMS-GA_BUS
  • freq frequency to return M, Q or A
  • start_year year to start
  • end_year year to end
  • respformat to return csv or json
  • log_file log file to output to
  • is_tidy tidyformat for easy read

quantec_get_data(time_series_code = "NMS-EC_BUS", 
                 freq = "A", 
                 start_year = 2000, 
                 end_year = 2022)

# A tibble: 29 × 6                                                                                                                                                                                                    
#    title                                                                    unit                           source code           date       value
#    <chr>                                                                    <chr>                          <chr>  <chr>          <date>     <dbl>
#  1 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 1994-12-31    10
#  2 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 1995-12-31     7
#  3 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 1996-12-31    28
#  4 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 1997-12-31    70
#  5 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 1998-12-31     7
#  6 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 1999-12-31     3
#  7 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 2000-12-31     6
#  8 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 2001-12-31    25
#  9 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 2002-12-31    53
# 10 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 2003-12-31    17
# ℹ 19 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

If you want to turn on the logging:


log_threshold(level = DEBUG)
quantec_get_data(time_series_code = "NMS-EC_BUS", 
                 freq = "A", 
                 start_year = 2000, 
                 end_year = 2022)

# DEBUG [2023-09-20 14:10:46] [NMS-EC_BUS] -- Querying with parameters: # [{"timeSeriesCodes":["NMS-EC_BUS"],"respFormat":["csv"],"freqs":["A"],"startYear":[2000],"endYear":[2022],"isTidy":[true]}]
# DEBUG [2023-09-20 14:10:46] [NMS-EC_BUS] -- Found 29 rows                                                                                                                                                            
# A tibble: 29 × 6
#    title                                                                    unit                           source code           date       value
#    <chr>                                                                    <chr>                          <chr>  <chr>          <date>     <dbl>
#  1 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 1994-12-31    10
#  2 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 1995-12-31     7
#  3 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 1996-12-31    28
#  4 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 1997-12-31    70
#  5 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 1998-12-31     7
#  6 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 1999-12-31     3
#  7 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 2000-12-31     6
#  8 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 2001-12-31    25
#  9 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 2002-12-31    53
# 10 SACU domestic sales - South Africa - Eastern Cape: Bus sales (> 8,500kg) Number (Sum of Monthly Values) NAAMSA NMS-EC_BUS-SAN 2003-12-31    17
# ℹ 19 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows